Never live apart
There are many reasons why couples live apart. Whether by an act of chance or choice, here are some reasons why couples ought to live together
Fosters good child upbringing
Both parents have a particular input in the life of the child (ren). They have a figure to represent and children have different things to learn from them.
Learn more about each other
No matter how much you think you know someone, you would discover that you do not know everything about that person. It is advisable for new couples to live together as there are still things to discover and learn.
Better communication
Communication is key in a relationship and when couples live apart, they could disconnect. Although technology has eased communication between couples who live apart or far from each other, nothing can be compared to living together. This way, couples learn how best to relate with each other or what not to do to get on each other’s nerves. Emotions are best felt through physical connection.
Builds trust
One of the ways to building trust in a relationship is by living together with your partner and constantly reassuring each other of your love.
Health issues
If one partner has health challenges, it is unwise living apart because he or she needs attention and care as possible. In the case of an emergency, it is easier reaching out to your partner when you live together.
Shuns distractions
Couples who live apart are at a higher risk of cheating on each other than those who live together. Since there are different levels of resistance, a little show of affection or attention from the opposite sex who is not a spouse could set the sparks flying and even lead to more acts.
Shared responsibilities
Couples are meant to share responsibilities, moments and times together. When one is absent on one of such special moments, it grieves the heart of the other.
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