
Friday 21 November 2014

Burnout: Get more sleep this weekend




Sleep better, wake up refreshed
Are you constantly feeling tired, irritable and low? You could be suffering from a burnout.
You are not the only one; all of us reach that point in life when we feel thoroughly exhausted or mentally drained. Experts say that an increasing number of individuals today are being burnout.
Burnout, they say is a physical and psychological problem that we cannot wish away. A case, such as chronic stress, a sign of burnout, they note can overtime create real health problems, such as heart disease, depression, digestive problems and obesity.
Healthy living expert, Dr. Taiwo Smith, says if one does not take a break in time, burnout can affect one’s work performance and relationships with family and friends.
Smith defines burnout as an extended period where someone experiences exhaustion and a lack of interest in things, resulting in a decline in their job performance.
He says, “A clear sign of burnout is when you feel tired all the time. Exhaustion can be emotional, mental or physical. It is the sense of not having any energy, of being completely spent. A lot of burnout really has to do with experiencing chronic stress.
“When you don’t feel enthusiastic about anything anymore or you no longer have that internal motivation for your work, there is a good chance you are experiencing burnout. A clear sign is when you find it harder to get going in the morning and more difficult to drag yourself into work every day.” Left unchecked, experts say that burnout can snatch one’s good health, happiness, relationships and job performance. Smith notes that in order to catch burnout and combat it early, it is important to know what to look out for.
Poor memory
Are you forgetful these days? This is another sign of burnout. Consultant Neurologist, Dr. Segun Salako, says that burnout and exhaustion when left untreated can lead to poor memory and other cognitive challenges.
Salako says that burnout may interfere with one’s ability to pay attention or concentrate.
He states, “When you are burned out due to stress, you might find that you are more forgetful and have a harder time remembering things. When under stress, our attention narrows to focus on the negative element that we perceive as a threat. We are just not motivated to undertake great challenge.”
Problems at home
Smith says if you cannot explain or logically analyse problems you are having with those you live with lately, it may be because of burnout.
“This tends to play out in one of two ways. You are having more conflicts with other people, such as getting into arguments, or you withdraw, talking to your coworkers and family members less. You might find that even when you are physically there, you are tuned out.
“If you are not careful, you may suffer a mid-life crisis because to you, nothing spectacular is happening in your life.
“There is also the tendency to feel less happy and satisfied with your career and your home life. You might feel dissatisfied or even stuck in your predicament. It could lead to anxiety and depression.”
When suffering from burnout, experts say some people engage in unhealthy coping strategies, such as drinking too much, smoking, being too sedentary, eating too much junk food, not eating enough or not getting enough sleep.
Sleeplessness, they note, is another issue and could include relying on sleeping pills to sleep, drinking more alcohol at the end of the day to de-stress or even drinking more coffee to summon up the energy to get through the day.
Slipping job performance
Not sure, whether you are suffering from burnt out, experts add that one should do a self-evaluation. Compare your job performance now to your performance in previous years.
Salako explains that because burnout tends to happen over an extended period, taking this long-term view might reveal whether you are in a temporary slump or experiencing more chronic burnout.
If you have been slacking or falling behind deadlines in your office in the last six months, you may be experiencing a burnout.
You can obviously not allow this situation to continue if you want to keep your job or need a promotion. Also let us not forget the perks that come with such a rise. So tackle it!
To do this, you may want to take sleeping for more than six hours more seriously.
Research suggests that having fewer than six hours of sleep per night is a major risk factor for burnout. The scientists note that poor sleep can have negative effects on one’s job performance and productivity.
They add that sleeping at least eight hours each day would work the magic.
Whether you take up dancing, listening to music, reading a book, taking a walk or visiting friends and family, truly think about what you can do to relax more.
Have a stress-free weekend!

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