
Sunday 3 February 2013


 The pursuit of  Happiness
The Pursuit of HappinessDaily I seek for this virgin knowledge untouched ,so pure ,so sweet.
The more I read , the less I see
With a thousand thoughts  fighting within
Pleading each for a right to breathe.

How wise is a thirsty soul when he can’t stay meek?
How fulfilled is proud frame bestowed with wealth  but void of peace?
Why do the poor  enjoy good sleep?
And the foolish are so content of their folly?

What’s chasing everyone from the rare ?
And why are they in a haste to pay this  expensive fare?
Or is it for  their fair share  of  materialism’ care.
Sitting as the Lord of their Worldly affairs?

We strive in holy anger or in unholy hunger
To enjoy the fruits of our turbulent years.
Concealing our innermost fears from our dearest dears.
Hoping they don’t see our salty tears
Gushing free from our  depressed eyes in red

Of what use is collosal Mansion if  it doesn’t make a home?
What’s happiness if you have no one to call your own?
And volcanic bills from the North to your West zone
 Is so gifted in puncturing your cherished dreams and hopes.

What’s in this life we try to find
When the world’s threats and stress blinds our eyes.
And we search less for the mysteries of why we are alive .
For we fear we may pay an extra fine.
For the ageless truth that we all seek to find.


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