
Tuesday 19 February 2013

Is loan for car really worth it?

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These days almost everybody who buys a car takes out a loan to do it. This is not really a great idea. The problem is that when you borrow money to buy a car you end up spending far more than you realise.
This often leads to buying a car that you really can’t afford.
In order to understand why it is a bad idea to take out a loan to buy a car, you need to understand the difference between good debt and bad debt. Good debt is when the money that you borrow will help to increase your net worth.
The most obvious example of this is the mortgage on your house. You are borrowing money but that money is being used to purchase an asset that will increase in value. Other examples of good debt would be things like borrowing money to contribute to your retirement plan or business loans.
Bad debt on the other hand is when you borrow money to spend on something that will not appreciate in value.
It is almost a given that your car will not increase in value, except in a few rare cases of classic cars you can not consider a car an investment. It is a consumer product; you buy it to use it knowing full well that over time its value will go down. This is not necessarily a bad thing, after all if need a car then spending the money to buy one is entirely reasonable. Where it becomes a problem is when you are borrowing money to buy a car.
The problem with borrowing money to buy a car is that the interest on the loan is going to greatly increase the amount that you spend. Generally speaking the interest rates on car loans are pretty high and this really costs you a lot of money.
If you take out a loan at ten percent interest that takes seven years to pay it back the price you paid for your car has just doubled. Given that at the end of the seven years the value of the car will be a fraction of the initial cost this is not really good money management. You would be far better off waiting until you had saved the money to buy the car.
The other issue with borrowing money to buy a car is that it makes it easy to spend more than you can really afford on the car. When you see the cost of a car it is usually listed as the monthly payment.
They tell you how much you have to pay each month not what the car actually costs. If you save up and pay cash for the car you will know exactly what you are spending and you won’t buy a car that you can’t really afford. Off course there’s also a second option, which is the purchase of a secondhand car.

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