As Dave sat down to work on his bills Monday morning, he found out how badly he was mismanaging his money.
Dave wasn’t mismanaging his money like
everyone else. Dave was different. He wasn’t throwing away money on the
lottery or going on wild shopping sprees for fancy cars and electronics
he couldn’t afford.
Dave is different because he’s 30 years
old, with no kids or debts, and an extra N200, 000 a month. It’s hard to
feel sorry for Dave, I know, but let’s look at what he could be doing
Right now, Dave’s missing an opportunity
to become very wealthy and have a retirement he can enjoy. If he
doesn’t use his money well, he’ll be stuck working past the ripe young
age of 59.5, just like the rest of us.
So what should you do if you have too much money each month?
Build an emergency fund
If Dave’s smart, he’ll start stashing a
few months’ pay for an emergency fund. At minimum, he should have three
to six months of living expenses saved.
To do that effectively, he’ll need to
tally his monthly bills and living expenses, then factor in eating out
and entertainment. He can add an extra thousand dollars as a cushion,
then multiply that number times six to reach his emergency fund’s grand
Once he’s done that, Dave should move on to longer-term savings.
Invest in index funds
Next for Dave’s active savings are index
funds. Index funds are set up on an index market like the S&P 500,
and they perform at market value. This means that they never outperform
or underperform the market.
These are great investments, because
they don’t require the same hefty fees as actively-tracked investments.
They’re long-term performers, so they’re usually established and left
alone, unless something drastic happens in the market.
Of course, there’s no reason that Dave
couldn’t start splitting his N200,000 extra and contribute everywhere at
once. But this is a less confusing, step-by-step process — and with
N200,000 extra to stash, it won’t take Dave long to reach his emergency
fund goal.
And lastly, you’ll probably note that
this is an aggressive plan of attack to fund his retirement at the
normal retirement age. He could very well up the ante and retire early,
or fund some businesses that could net him an excellent return.
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