
Thursday 16 January 2014

Strategies for living a disease-free life

  • Written by Paul Joseph Nanna
IT is possible to live a life that is free of diseases and sicknesses and not only that, but a life where one looks much younger than his or her age. It is written in the book of Psalms 103 and in verse 5, “Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.”
  The good things (food and water) given to mankind by God is sufficient to satisfy him. Not only that, but also to keep him young and youthful always, free of diseases and sicknesses. The Scripture says man’s youth is to be renewed like the eagles.
  The eagle is known to cast off its old feathers and receive new ones as it grows older. It looks youthful, even in old age because of this ability to molt. It is said that the eagle has lived to be 100 years in captivity. Even though man does not molt, the Scripture is telling us that it is possible for man to look youthful in old age.
  This is if man would keep being satisfied with the good things given by God. What are these good things? They are none other than the diet recommended in Genesis 1: 29, “And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat (food).”
  The good things given to man by God for his nutrient satisfaction and health needs are vegetables, herbs, fruits, seeds, whole grains, nuts and the oils from them. Why then do diseases and sicknesses afflict man? The answer is that man has disobeyed God, man has sinned and these sicknesses and diseases are the consequences of his sin.
  The Bible says the wages of sin is death. Believe it or not, the food that he eats, which is different from the recommendation in Genesis 1: 29, is killing man as often as he eats it. Man is dying daily because he has sinned against God in eating things that are contrary to God’s standard.
  You may say that it is expected that as man grows old, he should be approaching death. This is true, but at what cost? What is man’s quality of life like? A man who is diagnosed of having hypertension, begins to die from that moment on. He goes to see his doctor every two or three months regularly to be told the same story - the blood pressure is under control, continue with your medication and see me in three months. In other words, the blood pressure, which will eventually be the cause of death is always there, you will never be rid of it or healed and one day, sooner or later, it will take your life.
  Man is therefore living short and dying long; living for 25 years and dying for 60 years. On the contrary, according to the Creator’s plan, man should be living long and dying short, looking young in old age. It should be said of man that he died peacefully in his sleep at the age of 96 years. The question that usually follows is, was he sick? The answer should always be, no, he was not sick.
  To live a disease-free life it is pertinent to look closely at one’s lifestyle, vis-à-vis the good things with which God has satisfied our mouths. How many people actually eat food with the intention of maintaining a healthy lifestyle? In a research I organised some years ago with a small group of about 200 adults, there was hardly anyone of them that volunteered that they ate to stay healthy.
  A few only accepted that they did so only after a bit of prompting. Paying attention to what one drinks or eats is unavoidable if you must live a disease-free life. Also, looking closely at the raw vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts and grains that make up the diet for staying healthy, you will find out that they are loaded with vitamins and minerals, which God in all His wisdom has put in them for our wellness.
  The Bible tells us that God created man from the dust of the earth and scientists have discovered that the mineral content of the human body is very closely related to that of the earth. The mineral composition of unrefined sea salt for instance, is also found to be equal to the mineral composition of the human body, including a lot of the trace elements.
  The earth can therefore be viewed as a big reservoir of these minerals for the body; for the replacement of deficient ones or such as have been used up. God in His wisdom, passes the minerals and nutrients to man through the plants and as this happens toxins and other harmful products that could give rise to side effects are eliminated.
Welcome to this series on strategies for living disease-free lives.

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