According to fresh reports, an overwhelming consensus that excessive sugar consumption is strongly linked to many age-related diseases.
Unfortunately, limiting the sugar in your diet is only one piece of the health puzzle. People must start living a healthier lifestyle, including eating better diets and getting more exercise.
Statistics show we now have a not-so-sweet epidemic on our hands: 79 million American adults have blood sugar levels that, while still in the normal range, are too high — and a warning sign for further problems.
High sugar level can be compared to a scary roller coaster ride. Perhaps you are an exception, but it’s usually only the youngsters who enjoy a scary roller coaster ride. And when it comes to your blood sugar, a roller coaster ride is not only scary- its potentially unhealthy- something to avoid completely.
Unfortunately millions of people- perhaps even you or a loved one- have already strapped in on the blood sugar roller coaster ride.
In fact, government statistics indicates that 79 million adults over age 20 in America suffer from blood sugar levels in the high normal range.
Here’s the good news: these elevated blood sugar levels are not quite high enough to indicate a medically diagnosed condition and are fortunately, still in a range that can be treated naturally.
And what do government agencies and most doctors recommend for these elevated blood sugar levels?
Well, losing weight and increasing physical activity, of course.
First, it is important to know where you are on the blood sugar roller coaster ride. Or if you’re even on the ride at all…
Perhaps surprisingly, the majority of folks with blood sugar concerns don’t even realize it. Even the signs are clear.
Signs Of High Blood Sugar
Here are just a few signs to look for when recognizing high blood sugar spikes:
Feeling sluggish after eating-like you need a nap
Food cravings, even after eating (especially fatty, sweet, or starchy foods)
Feeling generally tired or fatigued during the day
And as you probably remember from school, what goes up must eventually come down. When your blood sugar drops lower than normal, you may:
Feel anxious, impatient, or irritable
Or feel jittery, shaky, even light headed
Crave snacks between meals
Need to eat now
If you see yourself or someone you care about on either or both of these roller coaster rides, its time to get out of the amusement park.
And its important to realize that every person is on a different ride.
Some folks may experience predominant spikes, while others take the gut-sinking ride down most frequently. Still others may swing wildly up and down-again and again.
There are some critical reasons why your blood sugar can take you on a roller coaster ride.
REASON 1: Perhaps your cells are no longer as sensitive as they should be to insulin, which carries sugar (or glucose) from your blood to your body’s cell. This is known as “insulin sensitivity”
And fortunately, your insulin sensitivity naturally decreases as you age.
Every time your body’s cells become exposed to insulin, they become a bit less sensitive. You can’t stop this process as you grow older, but you can help control its rate.
REASON 2: For many people, sugar’s journey from the food you eat to your bloodstream happens far too fast, overwhelming your natural insulin production.
This is especially true when you eat food with lots of simple carbs, including baked goods, pasta, potatoes, and even white rice.
Let’s consider your sugar intake…
Do you know how much sugar the average adult eats per day?
The recommended amount is about 6-9 teaspoons per day but an average adult according to medical reports consumes over 22 teaspoons of sugar daily. That’s over twice the recommended amount.
So obviously you should cut back on your sugar intake, but what other kind of help do you need to combat this sugar roller coaster issue?
Besides eating fewer high simple carbohydrate foods, you could also use some natural herbs to slow down sugar transport from food as it moves through your intestines and into your bloodstream.
How To Avoid High Blood Sugar
Eat a healthy diet low in refined foods with minimal sugar intake and minimal simple or high-glycemic carb intake (high- glycemic carbs hit your bloodstream too quickly during your digestion process). Plus daily exercise including resistance or strength training (found lower insulin resistance)
By following this simple program, you’ll also have these added benefits:
Support for healthy cholesterol levels
Maintain healthy weight and a youthful body
Have plenty of energy to help you get through the day again
Forget mood swings and food cravings
Avoid strict, tasteless diets and lectures from your doctor (instead impress your doctor at your next checkup).
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