.Jeff J Mitchell/Getty
  • On the hunt for a mentor in Portugal, Ben Davis started meeting self-made millionaires who told him their stories.
  • Most of what he learned about wealth and success had little to do with money, directly.
  • He thinks anyone can apply their lessons to their own lives.
While doing my PhD in Germany, I developed CFS/adrenal fatigue and I feared I could not work for much longer. I didn’t know much about finances or investing at the time – I had only invested in the stock market for a few years using very simple strategies.
Therefore, I decided to educate myself financially, reading over 100 books on personal finance and investing in general. I did a few projections and I set the goal to retire by the age of 33 in Portugal (I literally live where people vacation!), and today I am well on track to do so, primarily through real estate.
As I educated myself, I decided that I needed a mentor. And I figured I would look for one in the area I wanted to retire in – mid-east Portugal, Europe.
If you’ve ever tried to get a mentor yourself, you know how difficult it can be at times. I asked many people whether they wanted to teach me how to get rich doing the same thing they did, but the answer came back negative over and over again. Until one person said:
"Well I don’t have time for that, but I can tell you my story, maybe you’ll learn from it?"
To this day I still remember how my brain started connecting the dots right then and there! I quickly shot back, “you’ve got time today?” and that was the beginning of something remarkable.
I went on to interview 19 self-made millionaires and multi-millionaires who taught me more than they’d ever know. I would invite them for a coffee, take out my notebook, and then ask them to tell me their stories. I would take notes like a professional reporter.
Finding them was a nightmare, however. At times I felt like I was wasting my time, and at others I felt like I had won the lottery and was learning things I would never have learned if I hadn’t talked to them.
I had all sorts of people interviewed. From cocky to humble, bankers to farmers. You’d expect to find a pattern in how they looked, but I didn’t. Some were dressed up, others looked close to homeless. Only a few told me their actual net-worth, but all of them, probably unconsciously, told me things that were instrumental for my own journey to wealth.
In this article, I will summarize six lessons I learned from them. I hope you can relate to them, and even more importantly I hope you apply some of them to your own life.

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