
Wednesday 25 October 2017

10 Attributes of Self-Made Billionaires

It’s easy to think self-made billionaires just got lucky.
Maybe they were in the right place at the right time. Or maybe they stumbled across a discovery that made them a ton of money overnight.
But I’ve had the incredible fortune of being around and personally consulting
 to a number of self-made billionaires—even some as they ascended to billionaire-
 I can tell you all of that is unequivocally false. Not even close.
Every self-made billionaire I’ve ever met or studied has something in common
. It has nothing to do with luck or being in the right place at the right time. 
They all bring a unique
 set of attributes to each and every opportunity they come across. And when these 
attributes are developed and not suppressed, they transform into compelling
 strengths and
 but also severe (and sometimes very public) challenges.
You’ve seen them recently in the likes of Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Richard 
and Oprah Winfrey, and historically in Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford and 
John D. Rockefeller. 
But here’s the interesting part… you might have seen these in yourself, too.
So do you have it in you to become one of those seemingly magical people who can 
see the future and make it come to pass, all while making a pile of money in the
 Find out as I take you through the positives (and negatives) of the 10 attributes
 found within 
every self-made billionaire:
Related: 16 Rich Habits

1. High Sensitivity and Awareness

Beyond perceived eccentricities for things like timing, color, food, fragrance or
 texture, a self-made billionaire’s sensitivities can be heightened to the point of distraction, isolation or
 even debilitation. On the positive side, I’ve found they each have their own unique
 and heightened awareness that can seem extrasensory: everything from design 
 and perfect pitch, obsessions over air and water quality, knowing—with certainty—
when someone else is dealing with a crisis. However, what’s special about the self-made billionaire
 is how they find ways to leverage their sensitivities and awareness to increase 

2. Future Focused

The future-focused attribute often goes by another term: visionary. This label has 
become a badge of honor for entrepreneurs of every stripe, self-made billionaires included.
 Earlier in their lifetimes, however, they often got a different label: hopeless dreamer.
 The real 
differentiator between the two is how much protection and support they were able 
to surround 
themselves with, helping to make their dreams a reality.

3. High Processing Capacity

Self-made billionaires have unusually high processing capacities, being able to consume and retain information faster and in greater quantities than other people. This attribute
 drives them to seek out and collect large amounts of data, regardless of their physical or cognitive limitations, such as dyslexia. It can even make them seem like machines, automatons or obsessive individuals. They have simply found ways to process
 and analyze the information they collect in order to cast a clear vision, take action 
and make constructive decisions
 over time.

4. Persistent Adaptability

Though self-made billionaires maintain a persistent adaptability to take on new tasks, initiatives, businesses or even careers (think Bill Gates’ new focus on philanthropy
 or Donald Trump’s transition to politics), they are not chameleons. Most actually 
had difficulty 
adapting to certain situations, such as structured school or social environments,
 earlier in their 
lives. Yet they developed a persistent adaptability to new tasks and careers, and this
enabled them to achieve their vision or desired outcome.

5. Intense Focus on Results or a Single Outcome

We have all heard the stories: Steve Jobs’ dogmatic drive to perfect the Ma
cintosh or Bill Gates’ near workaholic tendencies. There are many examples of
billionaires being viewed as super- or sub-human in order to make their mark 
on the world.
 Oftentimes, they pulled back and isolated themselves in order to get things
 done. Although this 
can make them appear obsessive, compulsive, combative or antisocial, the 
key is that these 
hyper-successful individuals directed this attribute toward very clear results 
or outcomes.

6. Bias for Improvement

As future-focused individuals, self-made billionaires see the world as it should be
, not what it is today. They see what should be modified, improved or evolved. Given the choice
 between keeping things as they are or changing them for the better, they will 
almost always
 the latter. But the desire for improvement without an underlying structure can
 devolve into “improvement paralysis,” where products or ideas are endlessly
 refined without 
 moving forward. But the self-made billionaire maintains focus on their intended 
outcome to
 set proper priorities on the improvements that actually move them and their 
business forward.

7. Experimental or Experiential Learning

Yes, self-made billionaires learn through books, but they truly seek the application 
of their learning, the experiences and experiments; otherwise, they don’t feel momentum.
 As children, this attribute often made the traditional classroom and educational 
challenging. Experiences and experiments give these individuals confidence to
 push further,
 validate what they’ve learned and strengthen belief in their visions of the future.

8. Perceive Unique Connections

When the majority of people are united in one belief, it takes a certain type of
 person to offer contradictions or alternatives. Self-made billionaires have an enormous capacity
 to perceive unique connections in the world through their experiences, experiments
, focus 
on the future and high sensitivities. They are able to see situations, problems,
 solutions and 
processes from different angles in order to leverage new resources or move
 in new directions.
 This can also be alienating and cause massive friction with their leadership teams.

9. Drive for Gained Advantage

This is a very visible attribute. The self-made billionaire constantly asks themselves,
 How do I get ahead? This consistently drives them to find an advantage or the means 
to get ahead. Sometimes this attribute can make individuals seem cutthroat, 
cold or heartless. 
However, the drive for gained advantage is a competitive attribute that has 
enabled the self-made
 billionaire to seek out new and unique solutions to shared challenges, and increase
 the contribution they can make to their teams.

10. Innate Motivation

Typically, the self-made billionaires I’ve met and worked with have no idea where
 their “fire” comes from. And although some view this attribute as mere ambition,
 motivation isn’t the desire to climb corporate ladders or collect awards and 
 This is
 an engine with no off switch, a constant drive to achieve goals and contribute
 to the world. Naturally,
 intrinsic motivation can also make these individuals restless, impatient and 
especially around people who either lack the same kind of motivation or become
to their momentum.
Looking at every self-made billionaire throughout history, you will find these 10 
attributes. But while reading them, you might notice something interesting….
 You can see some or
 all of them in yourself.
These attributes are not limited to the self-made billionaires, but found in an 
overlooked and misunderstood subpopulation of our society, the Entrepreneurial
 Personality Type
 (EPT). What I’ve found in both working with these individuals and researching 
them, is 
that the only difference between them and other EPTs is their ability to 
recognize their
 unique attributes, and find the protection and support necessary to turn
 them into incredible strengths.

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