Do you dread going to work each day? Is your stomach in knots just thinking about what you have to do today? Are you constantly irritated with people at your job or constantly irritated with your family because of things going on at work? Sometimes you feel trapped in a job because you need to make a certain amount of money or because there are no other jobs in the area.
If you’re not sure yet, but think it might be time for you or a loved one to move along from your current job, consider these signs.

1. You need caffeine all of the time.

Are you constantly daydreaming about doing other things? Do you find it difficult to focus on the task at hand without a cup of coffee or an energy drink? Caffeine is a stimulant that can be overused, giving you a false sense of enthusiasm about your work. If you find that you need a cup of coffee just to get through the next hour, you might want to consider a new occupation.

2. You don’t care about the quality of your work.

Are you just going through the motions? Do you lack passion? Lynn Taylor, author of Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant (TOT): How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior, says that if you lack passion in your job, you will never reach your full potential. If you are considering leaving, try to stay on task and remain enthusiastic until you go. This will help you with references and employment in the future.

3. You are obsessed with checking your email.

This is a sign that you are constantly looking for a new distraction. If you are always looking at your email, Facebook or other social media, you are not focusing on the task at hand and likely need to look for a job where you are enthusiastic enough about it to remain focused.

4. You are in pain constantly or think you are.

Have an ache that won’t go away? A little pull in your back? Or are you on your feet all the time, and you can’t stop thinking about that nagging pain? If you have a physically demanding position that is causing real health issues, you might need to consider a new job to save your health. On the other hand, if you find yourself noticing every little ache and pain all of the time, this might be a new distraction that is keeping you from doing your job.

5. You eat for fun or comfort.

Looking forward to lunch just so you can eat at the cool, new place around the corner? Have a handful of snacks in your desk drawer? Constantly trying to sneak away to your car or the break room so you can have another muffin or bag of chips? You may be looking for satisfaction in the bottom of the chip bag and unfortunately, you won’t find it. Eating pleasurable items releases endorphins that can make us feel good, but if you can’t find a way to cope with your job without resorting to comfort food, you may have to quit your job—and get a new gym membership. Try taking a walk at lunch time instead. Walking also releases endorphins, and until you can find a new position, it will be a better way to deal with needing a boost during the day.

6. You can’t put the phone down.

Sometimes in our jobs, we have to have our phone nearby, especially if we are on call or have an important project going on. But if you can’t even put your phone down during a party or class with people you like, you may need to find a new position. Everyone needs down time, even workaholics. You need time to be with your friends and family, clear your head and have some fun. If you are always expected to be “on,” you may want to find a new position.

7. You are constantly disagreeing with coworkers.

Is everything your coworkers suggest wrong? Do you find yourself working with the most irritating, unreasonable people? Well, they might think the same thing about you! If this is the case, you might want to start looking for somewhere else to work. Whether it’s a personality conflict or you just don’t think the people in your job understand important issues, you might want to find a position where you don’t have to deal with so many people—or perhaps you can be the boss.

8. You dread Sunday night.

Are you dreading Sunday night because it means you have to wake up the next morning and go to work? If you find yourself in a panic about having to go to work the next day, you might need to evaluate just what the issue is. Perhaps a new job is in order, or maybe you need to start doing activities that relax you to help you take away that feeling of dread.

9. Your company is sinking.

Maybe you like your job, but the company itself is starting to fail. I once worked for a publication that was failing, and it got to the point where I was surprised each morning when I got there and the door wasn’t locked. If you are concerned that you may not have a job one day soon, don’t go down with the ship, Taylor says. Go find a new job before you’re competing with all of your old co-workers.
The bottom line is if you can’t find a reason to go to work everyday—including the paycheck—you need to find something else to do. There are lots of ways to find and pursue a passion that pays. Teach classes. Write a book. Try something new.