Earned income is the money you earn from trading your time, talents, experiences and skills to accomplish a particular task for the betterment or growth of an organization. What an employee receives at the end of every month, although tagged salary or stipend, is called earned income. What a self employed make from selling his or her products or services, although called profit, is earned income. So it is for business owners who are making their earned income in large volume. Therefore, we can conclude that earned income is the money you get from trading your time and skills to accomplish a giving task in a particular organization.
Earned income, for an employee, is fixed and subject to increase base on the decision of the management of the organization where such an employee is trading his or her time and skills. However, such an employee can increase his or her earnings if such decides to trade his or her skills and time in another organization. For a self employed, earned income is subject to the number of products or services rendered to the customers. Such can increase his or her income if the numbers of patronizing customers increase. However, in increasing your earned income, it will require that you increase your skills, polish your talents and commit more time to performing your task day in, day out.
The second type of income is called passive income. Passive income is the income you receive on a regular basis, which requires little effort to maintain it. Some school of thought call this type of income “residual income” and because of these words “passive and residual,” quite a number of people do not pay attention to this type of income. But the untold truth that the rich wants to keep a secret is that they make bulk of their earnings from passive income. If ever you want to be financial free, you must create passive income for yourself. Once you can tactically make your passive income surpass your monthly expenses, then you will become financial free. This is the major type of income that the rich are interested in. And you should too.
Passive income is the money you receive as royalties from your intellectual property, which includes writing a bestselling book, having a timeless music album, producing a classic film and other inventions that people can capitalize on. For example, the book “Things Fall Apart” was written precisely fifty-four years ago, but Chinua Achebe (late) was receiving royalties from every copy sold anywhere in the world and today his estates are still receiving royalties not only from Things Fall Apart, but also from all his creative works. Passive income also includes the earnings derived from rental properties (real estate). For example, a landlord who owns a rental property that he built some forty years ago will be receiving annual rent from his tenants.
This passive income arguably also includes portfolio income, which is known as dividends. One can also receive passive income from a limited partnership in which you do not play an active role in the day to day running of the organization. Passive income can also come from network marketing if you are at the top of the pyramid.
The conclusion of the matter is; beside your earned income that you are working tirelessly to earn, sit down and creatively create for yourself passive income, making sure you keep growing it until it surpasses your monthly expenses. Then you will become financially free.
Alfred Ade-Ijimakinwa
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