I’m sure you know that texting while driving is incredibly dangerous. 
But, according to statistics, it’s likely you do it anyway.
Hopefully this video will change your mind.
Sponsored by AT&T, this public service announcement titled 
“Close to Home” shows the dangers of taking your eyes off the road 

even for a second. There are definitely dangers that come along with
 reaching for a fry in your McDonald’s bag, or taking a sip of steaming 
hot coffee on a bumpy road, but texting while driving is considerably 
more dangerous. It puts everyone around you at risk; it takes more 
a split second to focus on your phone’s small screen, so it’s more
 than likely
 that a ‘quick glance’ takes much longer than you think.
According to the survey conducted by AT&T, texting 
while driving is 
incredibly widespread. Half of the adults surveyed admitted to 
texting while 
driving, as did 43% of the teens who responded. It’s no surprise 
that so many
 teens text and drive, as 41% of them reported that they’ve witnessed 
their parents
 do the same. Like father, like son, I guess. Perhaps the most surprising
refers the overwhelming 98% of adults who reported that they know 
texting and 
driving is dangerous.
Think about that: almost all of the adults surveyed know it’s wrong,
 but half of them
 do it anyway. I wonder how they feel about drink driving? That’s t
oo scary to think
Anyway, even though I’m sure you know what the video will entail, 
watch it anyway.
 Especially if you’re one of the 2% that somehow still think that texting 
and driving
isn’t that big of a deal.
Featured photo credit: YouTube: AT&T via youtu.be