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How To Deal With Confusion And Find Success In Life
The path to success is a long road full of twists, turns, peaks, and valleys. While on this road, you’ll almost certainly find yourself stuck in a quagmire of confusion and be unsure of which direction to turn.
Even though you’ll feel stranded, remember that it happens to everyone; you’re not alone. The most important thing to keep in mind is that you’ll get through whatever problem you’re facing only if you persevere.
If you turn back, you’ll be giving up all the potential success you could have possibly attained had you simply stepped back and assessed your situation. When life throws you a curve ball, you should always heed these pieces of advice in order to properly deal with confusing situations.
Analyze your goals
When you started out on your journey, you most likely had a set of goals you aimed to accomplish. Of course, you were most likely incredibly eager to get on the path toward success that you might not have spent much time actually thinking these goals through.
When you hit a bump in the road, you should always check your premises before forging ahead. Ask yourself:
– Are my goals practical?
Anything can be achieved if you put your mind to it, but once you achieve your goals, will you be able to put them to good use? Are you studying biology to become a biologist, or because you just like to learn about plants and animals?
Make sure your goals are actionable. After all, once you attain them, you’ll soon set even more goals with even higher aspirations. Make sure that the next step you take will open another door for you to walk through.
– Are my goals realistic?
Will practicing guitar three hours a day really make you world famous? By all means, follow your passion, but you should definitely have a backup plan in case your big dreams turn out to be pipe dreams.
– Will my goals change?
This is a tough one, because it’s hard to know what your priorities will be five or 10 years down the road. When I was 18, I thought I wanted to be a teacher, and even planned on sacrificing having a family of my own in order to help other children and families who needed me.
When I met the woman who would later become my wife, that all changed. Of course, in the meantime I earned two degrees relating to education that I may or may not ever use. At least I can write, right?
Appreciate your efforts
Every time you accomplish something, you’ve improved upon the person you were the day before. Even if you’re not doing exactly what you thought you’d be doing with your life, you can appreciate the experience you gain on a daily basis.
Think about it: If you’re stuck in a job that you never saw yourself doing, but you’re doing it well enough to stay employed, you must be doing something right. And, of course, you shouldn’t just look to your job to make meaning of your life.
Look to other aspects of your life, such as your friends, family, and hobbies to define yourself. You might not be on the path you thought you’d be on, but you certainly can consider yourself a success for accomplishing all that you have done in your life.
Try, fail, and try again
Failing at something is not a roadblock. Rather, it’s simply a bump in the road on the path to success. If you treat failure as a roadblock, you won’t get very far.
You never know how close you are to finding success, so you should always keep pushing, especially when faced with the sting of failure. Furthermore, you should redefine your failings as learning experiences.
When you fail at something, you’ve gained knowledge you didn’t have before (even if that knowledge is “Well that didn’t work!”). Take that knowledge with you when you get up to try again, and you’ll be able to attack the issue through an improved perspective.
Find a balance in life
Like I said before, you might find yourself on a path you never thought you’d be on, and you might not even want to be on. You can’t simply pause or restart your life from the last save point, to borrow a video game term. But it’s never too late to start working toward a different path.
Think of a hobby you gave up a long time ago and pick it back up, even if it takes a little extra effort after a long day’s work. Of course, you have obligations in your life that need to be fulfilled, but you should never completely give up everything you enjoy because life got in the way.
Keep your passion alive, and you’ll find moments to enjoy every day of your life.
Featured photo credit: Flickrr via
22 Dos and Don’ts of Wealthy People
Rich people are controversial and interesting to talk about. Not necessarily because of the money they earn, but the fact that they are able to create a dream lifestyle achieving more freedom and time for their family, passions, and dreams.
Getting rich doesn’t happen by accident. There are some external factors that influence the process; however, the dos and don’ts in everyday life play a significant role.
Wealthy individuals tend to have many things in common. Here are 20 of them.
1. They set achievable and specific goals.
More than 60% of rich people who took part in a research agreed that they focus on their goals on a daily basis. What’s more, the goals they set themselves are achievable through specific physical actions, so they know exactly what separates them from achieving it.
2. They create to-do lists and review them daily.
To come closer to their goals, rich people spend time creating to-do lists and maintaining them every day. Whatever you want to accomplish, there’s a certain amount of tasks you need to do in order to get there. This is what a rich person makes sure to determine. With that knowledge, they commit to work on it day after day, with no excuses.
3. They take care of their bodies.
To fully focus on their ambitions, they need functional and efficient bodies. Through a healthy diet, regular exercises and treating the body as a temple, they accelerate the progress, stay in shape, avoid laziness and separate themselves from the crowd.
4. They read daily and they love it.
Rich people don’t only feed themselves with healthy food, but they also feed their minds with wisdom and information. Almost 90% of rich questionnaires agreed they love reading. Mostly, it’s self-improvement books and nonfiction, which serve as a great source of inspiration and knowledge.
5. They listen to audiobooks while commuting.
Instead of blasting pop music while being on the road, rich people listen to audiobooks so the mind is always in the mood for achieving extraordinary results. Let’s say you spend an hour a day in traffic. If you devote it to audiobooks or podcasts, that’s 365 extra hours of self-improvement time in a year.
6. They are the hardest workers in the room.
When asked for the secrets of success, Dwayne Johnson, a man who went from poverty to Hollywood, said there’s no secret sauce. It’s always being the hardest worker in the room which brings you one step closer to making your dreams a reality.
7. They make family life a priority.
A rich person knows best what money can and cannot buy. That’s why they give so much value to the family time, something which they consider priceless. They realize whereas money can always be made, there’s a limited amount of time they can spend with their families. That’s why they make it a priority.
8. They respect their time and spend it wisely.
In a world full of distractions, it’s easy to lose track of your time. It’s something rich people never let happen. They realize, once wasted, the time is gone forever; that’s why it’s such a precious resource for them.
9. They surround themselves with like-minded people.
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”—Jim Rohn
Letting naysayers influence your thoughts, actions and bring you down is out of the question for a wealthy person. To protect themselves from negative people, they make sure their surroundings motivate them to further growth.
10. They pay attention to their habits.
Your habits form who you become. If you eat junk, practice negative talking and spend your time mindlessly, there’s likely no bright future ahead of you. Wealthy individuals select their habits carefully so that they only practice ones that contribute value to their lives.
11. They learn how the world of finances functions.
Nowadays, the right financial knowledge is the key to survive without getting lost in debt and other financial commitments. Rich people devote time to become the financial experts, so in the end, their money works for them and not vice versa.
To radically improve your personal finances, check out this 14-day plan.
12. They don’t believe in financial luck.
Money is made through hard work combined with creativity, market-research, and other factors, but pure lack is definitely not among the most important ones. That’s why wealthy person avoids lotteries and gambling. They still take financial risks, but they are calculated.
13. They don’t spend more than they earn.
If you make $1,000,000 and you spend the same amount, you are still broke. Poor people tend to spend more than they make which is caused by short-term thinking. Wealthy people can extend the gratification in order to stay financially stable and make the future safe.
14. They don’t watch TV.
Television is a huge time-sucker with almost no value added to your life. It leads to a sedentary lifestyle, obesity and increases your chances of type 2 diabetes. Since rich people eliminate bad habits; they make sure to replace TV with more creative sources of entertainment like books.
15. They don’t give anyone responsibility for their lives.
“We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.”—George Bernard
People who can’t achieve anything significant in their lives tend to avoid the responsibility for their future. There’s always some external factor to blame. On the contrary are achievers, who always take the blame and learn from their mistakes.
16. They don’t follow the flow.
Thinking differently is mandatory. There’s no way to achieve extraordinary results through regular actions and ordinary thinking. Rich people aren’t afraid to dream big and break the rules and dogmas to accomplish something.
17. They don’t miss opportunities.
To ensure they squeeze as much as possible from what life throws at them, rich people put themselves in the right place at the right time. They realize some chances are game-changing experiences.
18. They don’t rely on formal education.
Wealthy individuals are life-long learners. They treat self-growth as a never-ending process and they fully enjoy it. Cultivating the mind is achieved through a broad variety of experiences in contrast to relying completely on the schooling system.
19. They don’t let negative thoughts influence their actions.
Negative thinking is especially dangerous when you decide to believe in the excuses and rationalizations. Your brain wants you to stay in the comfort zone, so it will spare no effort to convince you that you can’t. The key to success is to let these thoughts fade away and replace them with powerful reasons to believe in yourself.
20. They don’t say yes all the time.
Saying no at the right moment is a powerful skill which brings health, wealth and happiness. One the other hand, if you practice saying yes way too often, you are more likely to get off the track and waste your time on unnecessary commitments.
Rich people know there are plenty of things you don’t need to say yes to.
21. They don’t focus entirely on the money.
Oppose to misconceptions, money isn’t what matters the most one the road to getting rich. Using their capital and influence, wealthy individuals want to change the world for better, contribute to the society and simply experience the life like most people can’t.
Bill Gates is once again the wealthiest person on the planet. But he’s also one of the most generous people. He gives back a lot of his money and he decided to donate the majority of his wealth to philanthropic causes when he dies.
22. They don’t give up.
Getting rich isn’t an overnight process. It takes a lot of time and effort to go through the path full of obstacles and failures to finally meet your goals. The key is to stay persistent, practice self-belief and never give up.
Featured photo credit: Silicon Prairie News via
How to Blow Your Boss's Mind Away
Here's how you showcase your value to get ahead at work.
IMAGE: Getty Images
We all want to get ahead. Still, even when it seems you're doing everything right--you're never late to work, rarely take a sick day, and always meet deadlines--promotions can be few and far between.
You're putting the work in, so why aren't you getting rewarded? The answer is simple: You don't get promoted for fulfilling your boss's expectations.
Your boss's expectations are the price of entry. Even if you're making a great effort and doing all that's asked of you, you won't stand out. You'll be seen as someone who completes the minimum requirements, and no one who builds a great career is seen this way.
The trick to advancing your career and getting paid more is to add value by making certain your contributions are worth more than you're paid. You want to go above and beyond so that you're seen as someone highly valuable--someone the organization can't live without.
You should aim to exceed your boss's expectations so much that he feels like he's the smartest guy in the world for hiring you.
This isn't as hard as it sounds. In fact, you can blow your boss's mind in seven easy steps.
1. Beyond developing the skills you need for your job, learn about your company's industry, competitors, latest developments, and challenges.
Professional development is important, but why stop there? If you really want to blow your boss's mind, soak up everything you can about your company and your industry. For example, if you're an IT developer, instead of simply learning the current best practices in coding, learn how those practices are being applied throughout your industry.
Transferring your knowledge to the real-world context of your organization is a great way to add value. On top of knowing how to do your job, it shows that you know why you're doing it and why it matters.
2. Instead of always having the answer, pre-empt the question.
It's a good feeling when you can answer your boss's questions on the spot, without shuffling through piles of paper or telling her that you'll have to get back to her. But if you really want to blow her mind, pre-empt the question. Anticipate what she wants to stay on top of, and send her regular updates. You'll save her time and energy, and she'll appreciate that just as much as your enthusiasm.
3. Instead of owning up to mistakes once they're discovered, bring them to light yourself.
Accountability is a lost art. Too many people try to cover up their mistakes, fearing the repercussions of admitting fault. Show your boss that you're not afraid to own up to your mistakes, and he'll be amazed. When you make a mistake, just give your boss a simple heads-up, and have a solution ready. Even better, tell him the steps you've already taken to mitigate the problem.
Everyone makes mistakes. You'll stand out by showing your boss that you're accountable, creative, and proactive when you inevitably make them.
4. Instead of asking for training, do it on your own.
Typical career advice is to ask your boss to send you to classes and workshops to improve your skills. But we're not talking about what's typical; we're talking about blowing your boss's mind. Pursue training yourself, on your own time. It doesn't have to be expensive; there are plenty of online courses available free or close to free. While everybody else is asking the boss to send them to training, you can tell her what you've already done, and your initiative will be rewarded. You'll save the company money and get ahead, and expand your skillset at the same time.
5. Instead of doing what you're told, be proactive.
Anybody (well, almost anybody) can do what they're told. To blow your boss's mind, you have to be proactive. If you see a problem, fix it. If you see something that needs doing, do it. Put together a how-to guide for new hires, document your processes and figure out where you can streamline them, or do whatever else you can think of to make a difference.
Bosses appreciate vision more than anything. They love it when you see what could be useful to the company over the long term--and don't forget to tell your boss about it. It's only "kissing up" if you do it manipulatively or with the intention of making your co-workers look bad. There's absolutely nothing wrong with owning your accomplishments.
6. Build relationships with other departments.
It's practically guaranteed that, at some point, your department will need help or input from another area. An excellent way to blow your boss's mind is to build relationships throughout the company. Person-to-person interactions are almost always more effective than department-to-department exchanges. You can make your boss's day by saying, "Why don't I take care of that for you? I know someone who can get that done for us right away."
7. Be the calm one in a crisis.
Bringing it all together Few things get your boss's attention like your ability to weather a storm. Whether it's conflict between people, everyone freaking out over a rule change, or what have you, make certain that you're the one who remains calm, composed, and in control of your emotions. Your composure and ability to think clearly during a crisis demonstrates leadership potential, and leaders get promoted.
The people who achieve the most are those who add the most value. Business is, after all, about making a profit. You want your boss and the company to know that they're getting a great return on the time and money they're investing in you.
What are some other great ways to blow your boss's mind? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below as I learn just as much from you as you do from me.
The opinions expressed here by columnists are their own, not those of
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