confusedMarco Arment / FlickrTrick questions cut through "interview clutter" to get to the "raw you."
Savvy hiring managers can glean a ton of information about you by asking just a few, well-chosen questions.
But while they may seem simple — that's the point — some are actually designed to get you to reveal information you may have been trying to conceal. In other words: they're trick questions.
"To uncover areas that may reflect inconsistencies, hiring managers sometimes ask these tricky questions," says Tina Nicolai, executive career coach and founder of Resume Writers' Ink.
But they're not just about exposing your flaws, says Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and the author of "Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job." These types of questions can help hiring managers break through the "traditional interview noise and clutter," and get to the "raw you." 
Here are 17 common examples, complete with advice on how to ace each one.

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