drinking sipping champagne wealthy woman fancy party dress gown furWhat traits really determine success?Matthew Lloyd/Getty Images
LinkedIn Influencer Travis Bradberry published this post originally on LinkedIn.
You know what they say about opinions — everybody has one. If you want to see that truth in action, just Google "characteristics of successful people."
Some of the results will undoubtedly point to the famous Marshmallow Study at Stanford, which demonstrated that the ability to delay gratification is a key component of success.
But that's far from the only theory:
  • According to Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, it all comes down to mindset. She conducted a series of experiments that demonstrated that, while the average person sees their abilities as fixed assets, successful people have, what she calls, a "growth mindset." In other words, successful people focus on self-improvement and overcoming challenges rather than seeing their mistakes as the products of insurmountable personal flaws.
  • In another study conducted by Penn State and Duke, researchers assessed the social skills of 700 kindergartners. Twenty years later, they followed up and discovered a strong correlation between social skills and success. The children with the best social skills were more likely to have earned a college degree and to hold a full-time job, while the kids who struggled with social skills in kindergarten were more likely to get arrested, binge drink, and apply for public housing.
And the list goes on and on. So, what is happening here? Why are there so many different theories, complete with the science to back them up, about the traits that contribute to success? I think it's because most wildly successful people are complex — so complex that many of their defining qualities are paradoxical.
Rather than an "either/or" set of static characteristics, they're more likely to demonstrate both. This is a key to their success. Here are some examples of what I'm referring to.

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