
Monday 28 January 2013

What's One of the Fastest Ways to Handle Your Debt Problems?

What's One of the Fastest Ways to Handle Your Debt Problems?
When people think of New Year's resolutions, they often speak about eating right, losing weight, and drinking less. These are fantastic goals but a person's first priority should really be getting their personal finances in shape. Proper money management not only reduces stress, it also helps form a solid financial foundation—both of which are vital for a family's long term well being.
Here's a startling statistic: According to the American Payroll Association, 2 out of 5 Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, and 46% are carrying credit card debt. That means if you're struggling with debt, it's incredibly hard to find the funds to resolve your debt.
But don't worry, we've got some smart solutions.
Most people know that paying only the minimum payment amount on the debt you owe results in a long and slow road to debt resolution. This sometimes leads people to turn to friends or family for financial help. The problem is that once the money is loaned, they often feel entitled to give you advice on how to handle your money—and your life. That can obviously lead to bad decisions and damaged relationships.
Credit counselors can be a good idea, but watch out for those who want upfront fees for their advice. Likewise, taking out a new high-interest loan to pay off debt sounds great but when fees and interest are added up it usually increases the total amount of money you have to pay back.
Then there's declaring bankruptcy, but this can seriously hurt your credit and finances for years.
Debt Settlement
For many people, working with a debt settlement company can actually take care of the whole situation. Debt settlement is the process of negotiating with creditors so they forgive a big portion of your unsecured debt. Unsecured debt includes credit cards, some forms of student loans and most medical bills, but does not include mortgages or auto loans, student debt and taxes.
Why would a credit card company settle debt for less than what you owe?  Because when you are represented by a reputable debt settlement company the creditors know for certain that they will be able to recover some of the money owed to them, rather than recovering little or nothing if you are forced into bankruptcy.
Debt settlement companies work with individual consumers to determine a reasonable monthly amount that they can afford to save in anticipation of paying off their debt. Debt settlement clients save an affordable amount every month, setting it aside in a special-purpose account and, as these funds accumulate, the settlement company negotiates a final settlement amount for each debt.
Typically, debt settlement companies negotiate on behalf of thousands of people every day, and the savings they obtain for consumers can be significant.
There are many debt settlement agencies, but one great way to start is by visiting Freedom Debt Relief. They offer a free, no-obligation consultation that will help you evaluate your options. Then, if you chose to proceed, they will develop a plan that meets your specific needs and start negotiating on your behalf with your credit card companies. 
Click here to learn how much of your unsecured debt is eligible for debt settlement, and how quickly you could resolve your debt.

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