
Wednesday 23 January 2013

A Must Read, To all Fathers – Please Read On

Posted on 23 Jan 2013 at 1:06pm
Barack Obama met his father only once before he died. Pierce Brosnan was abandoned by his father before his first birthday. Eric Clapton never knew his real father. He grew up thinking his grandparents were his parents and his mother his sister. Bill Clinton lost his father in a car accident 3 month before he was born grew up with his stepfather, a gambler and an alcoholic who regularly abused his mother and half brother.
Jamie Foxx was abandoned by both his parents and raised by his adopted grandparents. Samuel L. Jackson only met his father twice during his life. Jay-Z was abandoned by his father. Jack Nicholson never knew his real father. Shaquille O’Neal grew up without his birth father. Al Pacino grew up in his grandparents’ home with his mother. Keanu Reeves was abandoned by his father when he was 13.

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Gene Simmons was abandoned by his father when he was 3.Jon Stewart was raised primarily by his mother. Alex Rodriguez was abandoned by his father when he was 7. Shania Twain was abandoned by her birth father. Kanye West was abandoned by his father when he was 3. Maya Angelou grew up with the Grandma, whom they called Momma, and their uncle.Share for others..
Moral of this story is, if Men who refuse to be part of their children life, Will LIVE to watch from FAR as a VIEWER rather than a FATHER, as their children grow to become an HISTORTY MAKING……..TAKE CARE AND BE PART OF YOUR CHILDREN’s Lives! Share for others..

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