coder laptop computer code workWe're all guilty sometimes.Joe Raedle/Getty Images
By now, I’m going to assume that you’re well-versed in those email etiquette basics.
You know, things like always including a subject line and resisting the temptation to CC every single warm body in your office.
Yes, I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt here. But, does that mean I think your messages are flawless? Absolutely not.
There are a few email sins that aren’t as oft-repeated—but are still just as cringe-worthy. And, chances are, you might just be guilty of committing them (hey, I’m right there with you!)—whether you were aware of it or not.
If you find yourself blushing at the mention of one of these faux pas? Well, my friend, your emails still have some room for improvement.

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