
Tuesday 26 August 2014

What employers dislike about job seekers


Recruiting an employee is arduous for an employer as recruiting eats up hours of staff time and energy. From planning the employee recruitment to interviews and the selection of a superior employee, current employees invest time and energy to select the right employee.
A well-prepared, qualified job seeker can increase their likelihood of landing the job by avoiding these job seekers’ behaviours employers hate. Employers magnify their chances of hiring a superior employee, when they avoid job seekers who exhibit these ten fatal errors.
When job seekers apply indiscriminately for jobs that don’t match their skills and experience
Employers are spammed by unqualified and marginally qualified people who apply for each posted job. Yet, reviewing every curriculum vitae, hoping for a gem, the applicant who doesn’t quite fit the hiring profile, is critical to find superior employees. So, the employer is stuck evaluating them all; and this means – they are all gone – in 30 seconds.
When job seekers don’t follow instructions about how to apply for the job
If the job seeker fails to follow instructions, their application may never reach the people with the power to hire. Failure to answer questions about salary requirements, for example, may relegate their application to the “no” pile.
Worse? A job application that fails to follow directions is not considered a valid application and need not receive consideration for the position. Employers must evaluate whether the job seeker’s behaviour will be acceptable in their workplace.
Unprofessional presentation of credentials
When their CV and cover letters contain typographical and grammatical errors, incomplete thoughts, portions copied and pasted from prior applications to different employers, and details not requested for the current job. Recently, a government employer added the caveat that applications mailed in stationery belonging to the current employer would not be considered. The same applies to emailed applications from the current employer’s address.
When job seekers lie on their CV or bolster them by blurring details or leaving out pertinent facts
In a recent SHRM study, 64 per cent of HR professionals did not extend a job offer to a potential employee because their background reference check showed inaccurate dates of previous employment. Lies that are purposeful or lies that omit facts and blur details will haunt a job seeker.
Commonly, employers consider lying as grounds for dismissal – even years after the employee was hired. Employers should dig deeply to check the accuracy of applicant’s credentials such as claimed degrees.
When job seekers are unprepared to fill out the job application during their scheduled interview
This makes the job seeker seem unprepared. It holds up the employer’s background-checking process if the job seeker is a viable candidate. Companies often use the application as a literacy screen, so taking the application home is not an option.
In any case, employers can take no action until they have a completed, signed application that gives permission for reference checks. Plus, the job seeker’s signature attests to the veracity of the information they provide. Especially if you asked the applicant to arrive early to fill out the application – and most employers do – this lack of preparation is unacceptable.
Job seekers’ failure to research into the company
In a recent interview for a software development company, the job seeker hadn’t visited the company’s website or become familiar with the products. How can a job seeker tell an employer how well he or she will fit the job and the company when the applicant hadn’t even visited the website? In fact, how can the job seeker even apply? This is hardly the face to present to a potential employer. And, it speaks volumes for potential job performance. Or, it should.
Job seekers’ attempt try to get to hiring managers in an effort to circumvent the process
Applications sent to hiring managers end up on HR’s desk. The note says, “I don’t know this applicant.”
Or, the note says, “I can’t vouch for this person, but someone I know recommended him.” Rest assured, if a current employee is enthused about a candidate, the “right” people know. And, the job seeker does not risk annoying the HR staff who move qualified applicants on through the review process.
Job seekers that disturb hiring managers and HR staff quickly wear out their welcome
HR has a name for candidates whose calls, emails, and visits interrupt work and steal time and attention from overworked staff. They call them “stalkers.” These job seekers gain no points with the hiring decision makers – and this ought to be the consequence of such behaviour. Get my drift?                           •Source:

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