Tunde Ajaja    
From time immemorial, women have always been regarded as the weaker sex, when compared to men. But that seems to be nothing more than a cliché now as women appear to be increasingly outshining men in several things.
For example, scientists have proved that women are smarter, more intelligent, emotionally stronger and they make better leaders. But beyond these remarkable comparative advantages, it has also been shown that women live longer than men and the difference could be as high as 10 years.
Interestingly, according to a list of verified 100 oldest people in the world, compiled
 between February 1985 and May 2016, there are 94 females and only six males
on the list.
And until August 2016 when a 145-year-old man, Mbah Gotho, was discovered in Indonesia, a French woman, Jeanne Calment had been on record as the oldest verified person of all time, as she lived for 122 years, 164 days, outliving both her daughter and grandson by several decades, before she died on August 4, 1997.
Several reasons have been adduced for women’s greater longevity. From general knowledge, it can easily be assumed that women tend to live longer because men engage in more risky jobs; women tend to be more careful in terms
 of habits and lifestyle, like smoking and drinking and they are care-givers (mothers) which
 could make them to be more careful with their lives. And out of these factors,
 lifestyle is said
 to be very important, especially when it comes to smoking and drinking, but there 
is more.
According to a study by Professors Waldron Ingrid and Sebastian Johnston, they
 found that women tend to secrete less of the stress hormones, which would be 
 for their longevity on the long run. They argued further that women are more likely 
to live
 longer due to their differing environment, roles and lifestyles compared with men.
They said, “Generally, males are engaged in the more stressful, physically
 demanding and hazardous occupations. Also, cigarette smoking, one of many 
factors that have
 distinguished the typical lifestyle and personal habits of men and women in past
 years, has been 
identified as a major contributor to the difference.
“Beyond that, women are more likely to secure earlier diagnosis and appropriate 
treatment for health conditions, including particularly the serious illnesses and women are 
less likely to be self-destructive, be it through suicide or alcoholism, they are also less likely 
to engage in acts of violence or to be aggressive and excessive risk takers.”
But, the founder of the New England Centenarian Study at Boston University,
 United States, Dr. Tom Perls, in his post on time.com said women are more likely to live longer
 because they usually have some delay when it comes to having some cardiovascular diseases,
like heart attack and stroke. Whereas, he said men tend to develop such diseases
in life, like in their 50s and 60s while for the women, it could be in their 80s.
He said, “One reason for that delay in onset of cardiovascular disease could be 
that women are relatively iron-deficient compared to men — especially younger women, those
 in their late teens and early 20s — because of menstruation.
“Also, iron plays a very important part in the reactions in our cells that produce
 damaging free radicals, which glom onto cell membranes and DNA, and may translate into
 aging the cell.”
And in the view of Prof. Thomas Kirkwood, a biologist and the director of the 
Institute for Ageing and Health at Newcastle University in England, there are other reasons 
women live longer than men.
He said with the kind of hardship and stressful work men do, they tend to drive
 themselves to an early grave, unlike women who do less stressful jobs and develop
habits than men, as most women abstain from smoking and drinking.
Some people have actually tied such unhealthy habits in men to the surge in
 testosterone, which, according to them, instigate them to engage in such things, like taking 
too much alcohol, smoking, which could lead to higher death rate.
Kirkwood explained that beyond lifestyle and other habits, the female body has 
the ability to repair damaged cells in the body, noting that the reasons for women’s greater 
longevity are more biological.
He said, “As an experimental gerontologist, I approach this issue from a wider 
biological perspective, by looking at other animals. It turns out that the females of most
 species live longer than the males. This phenomenon suggests that the explanation for the
 difference within humans might lie deep in our biology.
“Many scientists believe that the aging process is caused by the gradual buildup
 of a huge number of individually tiny faults. This degenerative buildup means that the 
length of our lives is regulated by the balance between how fast new damage strikes our cells
 and how efficiently this damage is corrected.
“However, there is evidence from studies in rodents that cells in a female body 
do repair damage better than in the body of a male and that surgical removal of 
the ovaries 
eliminates this difference.”
He said even though women strive for equality with men, they should be consoled
by the fact that they are less disposable, in relation to the vital role they play in
on and their system is so designed to withstand the stress of carrying a foetus for
 such a 
long time and then breastfeed afterwards.
He added, “Could it be that women live longer because they are less disposable
 in terms of genetic materials than men? This notion, in fact, makes excellent biological
 sense. In humans, as in most animal species, the state of the female body is very
 important for the success of reproduction. So, to be less disposable, however, is a blessing that 
offers some compensation.”
Beyond these, some researchers from Imperial College School of Medicine in
London, found that women live longer than men because they have stronger immune
 which helps them to guard against certain ailments even when they are old.
In the research, led by Dr. Richard Aspinall and Dr. Jeffery Pido-Lopez, they
 monitored the volume of white cells in 46 men and women. They were all aged 
between 20 and
 62 and were all healthy.
At the end of the study, they found that women produce more white blood cells, 
which are the cells of the immune system that are involved in protecting the
 body against both 
infectious disease and foreign invaders, than men.
According to the report, published on Mail Online, even though the thymus gland
 producing T-lymphocytes for the immune system produced fewer cells as the age
 women still had higher levels of new T-cells than men of same age with them.
One of the researchers, Pido-Lopez said, “Men are exposed to more hazardous
 substances at work and take part in activities that are more damaging to health, 
and risk can 
explain anything from number of car crash deaths to deaths from colon cancer, but 
there are probably other factors such as thymic output that contribute to the difference
Commenting on the different reasons, a sociologist, Monday Ahibogwu, also said
 there are different reasons women live longer than men, including the fact that
 men are 
engaged in stressful jobs than women.
“You don’t get women driving trucks or doing some very stressful jobs, so there
 are a lot of things that women don’t do that put them in a more relaxed social
 environment,” which, combined with other factors, influence their longevity,” he added.
source: PUNCH.