
Wednesday 14 June 2017

Why Aspirin May Be More Dangerous for Older People

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11:07 AM ET

Anywhere from 40% to 60% of older people take daily aspirin to prevent 
a heart attack or stroke. Studies have shown that low doses of the
 can significantly lower the risk of heart problems, especially among
who have already had a heart attack or stroke.

But in a study published in the Lancet, researchers say that the risks of
 aspirin haven’t been properly studied in older people. Most of the studies showing the over-the-counter drug’s benefits have included younger people under
 65 years. However, most people who are currently taking daily aspirin 
for their
 heart are older.
In the study, Peter Rothwell, professor of neurology at the University of 
Oxford, and his colleagues analyzed data from the Oxford Vascular Study, which followed more than 3,000 people who had had a heart attack or stroke 
and were given aspirin or other anti-clotting drugs by their doctors. After 10 years, Rothwell found that ulcers and bleeding events—a common side effect 
of aspirin—were more common among people over 75 than those under
Once the bleeding events occurred, most commonly in the stomach or
 digestive tract, the bleeding was more intense and severe in older
 people than in
 younger people.
“The overall increased risk for older people surprised us,” says Rothwell. “And the proportion who did have major consequences from the bleeding also surprised us. We were surprised by the extent to which the bleeds were
 causing disability and even death.”
About 1.5% of the people in the study under age 65 were admitted to the hospital for bleeding problems, compared to 3.5% for those aged 75-84 
and 5% for people over age 85. The risk of having disability or even dying 
after a bleeding event because of complications was 10 times higher for
 those over age 75 than for younger people.

The data point to an increasing disconnect that doctors are experiencing 

when they see older patients. While aspirin is generally regarded as safe, 
 the risk of bleeding is often considered minor and easily addressed, 
that's not 
the case among older people. “In our clinical experience, for people in
 their 80s
 and 90s, bleeds can actually be devastating,” says Rothwell. “People sometimes
 don’t regain their mobility, they can develop delirium, they go to the
and never regain the same level of cognitive function. There’s been an 
assumption in the past that all bleeds from aspirin are like pests and 
dismissed as not 
a major problem, but perhaps that’s not so true in the elderly.”In fact,
Rothwell, for older people, the risks associated with bleeding were
 actually higher 
than the risk of having a heart attack or stroke, which the aspirin was 
supposed to prevent.
Fortunately, there is a way to offset the risk of bleeding from aspirin: by prescribing a proton pump inhibitor, a class of drugs that reduces the
amount of acid, which can contribute to bleeding, produced by the 
stomach. Studies show that they can reduce bleeding events by up to
 90% in the tract. But doctors have been reluctant to add another drug
 to an elderly person’s typically long list of medications, and the practice
 of viewing aspirin-related bleeds as 
minor also means that the risks of bleeding aren’t being addressed properly.
The study’s findings add more information to the growing discussion about the safety of daily aspirin. Recent studies found that older people taking low doses of aspirin every day can lower their risk of not only heart disease but
 certain cancers, due to the drug’s inflammation-reducing effect. But Rothwell’s
 data should encourage patients to ask their doctors about whether they
 benefit from daily aspirin—or suffer more from side effects. The risk-
equation may be different for people who have already had a heart event, compared to those who may be at risk of having a heart attack and want
 to prevent 
that from happening. The American Heart Association and the U.S.
 Preventive Services Task Force currently recommend daily aspirin for 
people who 
have not yet had heart problems, but only if they are at particularly high 
risk of 
having an event. The Food and Drug Administration, on the other hand,
 does not recommend that people who have not yet had a heart event 
ake aspirin 
on a daily basis to prevent a first-time event.
If you are already taking daily aspirin after a heart attack, or in an effort 
to prevent your first one, Rothwell does not recommend that you stop immediately, since that can also cause a rebound effect that could be 
bad for your health. But he says it might be worth discussing with your 
whether adding a proton pump inhibitor would make sense to protect 
 from the potentially dangerous side effects of bleeding.

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